Enter your search information. Company name: Starts with. Contains or CIK or Ticker Symbol . Securities and Exchange Commission. EDGAR search tools. To look up registration information of a U. Find any corporation or business entity in the U. Secretary of State online search.
Please enter business entity name or number. For a worldwide registry of most companies engaged in any type of financial transaction see. Or, search our industry directory to view highlights from our industry reports to gain visibility into growing. Identify NAICS and SIC Codes and Descriptions, DUNS Numbers, Annual Sales,. Required: You must enter an entity name.
You can either apply online, or download the PDF form . The Division is the filing and public information office for corporations , other business entities, filings made under Article of the UCC and trademarks. Search by an Individual Name. This is not a comprehensive list of all company registries located around the world. English and the language where the registry is based. United States corporations varies according to State law and in . Although maintained by the Division of Corporations , searches of records of . Citizenship Type: Domestic, Foreign.
All of the content is from twenty-four handpicked official. KYCIT streamlines your international searching and returns real-time information from databases covering over 2million companies worldwide, in a single PDF. If searching for a limited liability company or limited partnership by entity number, enter only the applicable 12- digit . You can find the right business name with creativity and market research. Trademarks prevent others in the same (or similar) industry in the U. Business Resources. Check the validity of a U. Share this page on: AddThis Sharing Buttons.
Rocket Lawyer also has additional legal advice on how to run your business. To check the status of a company , click the link next to the state in which it is incorporated. We value your feedback, take a few moments to tell us what you think. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.
This guide is designed to give someone searching. Licensing and Regulatory Affairs - Corporations Division. Also, we strongly encourage you conduct business with us online through our Corporations Online Filing System (COFS) at.
Address: 14th floor, High Block, Queensway Government Offices, Queensway, Hong . General Information. BUSINESS INQUIRIES-OVERVIEW.
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