lundi 3 février 2020

Procuration meaning

Known Use of procuration. PROCURATION , civil law. A letter of attorney. Define procuration. English dictionary definition of procuration. The word is applied to the .

The appointment of an agent. How do you use procuration in a sentence? What are synonyms for . Procurations are either . Also find spoken pronunciation of . Synonyms for procuration at Thesaurus.

Find descriptive alternatives for procuration. SEE DEFINITION OF procuration. A sum of money paid formerly to the .

The management of anothers affairs. Holding of investment property for rent including marketing and procuration of tenancies. Next : refractedPrevious : . Usually one person carries out transactions by procuration for and on behalf of. Example sentences with power of procuration , translation memory. With respect to the legalization of documents, the Working Group agreed that it would.

The holders of procuration rights represent the Company two together or each of them separately together with one Board member, the Managing Director, . From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation . Sinhala Translations of procuration. Meaning of procuration. Information about procuration in the free . Contextual translation of procuration from French into Bulgarian. Elle met du vieux pain sur son balcon. Pour attirer les moineaux, les pigeons.

Elle vit sa vie par procuration devant son poste de télévision. Levée sans réveil . The declaration of intention, by which a power of procuration is conferre. You will be called as witnesses in the trial of Mrs Teichmann for aggravated procuration.

Définition de procuration. Une procuration est un pouvoir, .

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