Check if the name of your business has been registered with our Company Name Search. Enter the name or number required you wish to search. Office of the Georgia Secretary of State Attn: MLK, Jr.
Business Name Availability Check. Exact words in exact word order. Search for Active and Inactive businesses.
The following tips may be used to refine or modify searches by entity number or entity name for a particular entity: . Enter as much of the name as you are sure of. A wild card is automatically inserted at the end of each search. This page allows you to search our database of over million business locations in the United States. You may want to leave . Just enter the name of the company you are searching. Find your new company name with a business name search.
Learn how to check business name availability for LLCs and corporations with our free state guide. How to search for available business names.
If you find a business. How can we make this page better for you? Hide user feedback form . Enter name , ticker or CIK into the single search field. Suggestions as you type link directly to filings. No information is available for this page.
Find the business in the below and click to view the official . Corporations, Limited Liability Companies , Limited Partnerships , and Trademarks. The Name Availability Check function can determine if . General Information. BUSINESS INQUIRIES-OVERVIEW. Entity Name : Entity ID: Advanced Search. UCC and Federal Lien Search.
Filing Number Debtor Name. To verify the name you would like for your business is available, type the proposed name into the search box. Then select the entity designation from the . Enhanced search capabilities for business organizations including searching by entity name , name of person listed as a registered agent, officer or director of a . Look up information about businesses registered by DCCA The link address is: . Each state has its own database wherein company names can be checked for availability.
Charitable Organizations The .
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